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The MiniAlertAlarm for Security

These days people travel a lot, especially women. When you go place to place, hotel to hotel, you don’t always know how safe the residence is. Women, who travel(especially by themselves) are often target by people with less than good intentions. Sure, they need to pack self-defense products such as stun guns, pepper sprays, or mace. There is also other preventative measures they should take. This is especially true when they are not on familiar territory. This information is not meant to scare you, but to educate you on the stark realities of the world around you.

When you are staying at a hotel or other place you may be renting, make sure the locks are adequate and up to date. Make sure the last person stayin where you are still doesn’t have access. Have an adequate peep hole to look through when someone comes to the door. Don’t let anyone in trying to sell stuff if you didn’t ask for them. Try to get a room with an extra phone or communications device in case your cell phone fails. These are but a few tips you need to keep safe while traveling and at home. There are plenty of place online( like my website to find this information. Hey, you need all the extra advantages you can get to keep yourself from harm.

The minialertalarm will give you that edge I am talking about. Anyone who tries to get past it will set off an alarm or chine alarm. Most intruders will flee when they realize the element of surprise has been taken away from them. This alarm has an invisible barrier that no perpetrator can see. They will be taken completely by surprise, allowing time for you to defend yourself with your other non- lethal self-defense products. This alarm can be taken with you or used at home for that extra security you need.

I hope you take notice of how truly valuable this alarm could be for your safety. Come check it out and view all of my other wonderful non-lethal self-defense products. Stay safe and have a very good day.

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