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Extreme College Survival Kit

Those of us with children, especially daughters,  worry when we send them out into the world, when we force them from the nest permanently.  With the Extreme College Survival Kit some of these worries might lessen.  We protect our children to the point that they are not truly aware of the dangers out there and therefore do not know how to protect themselves.
This kit offers several reports; such as, “College And Campus Safety Tips”, “Roommates”, “How to Secure Your Dorm or Apartment”, and more.  With these reports our kids will know what to look for and therefore anticipate possible problems and how to effectively deal with them.
The Extreme College Survival Kit, also, contains a variety of products.  Our kids will have the tools they need and not have to worry about where they can locate, buy, or pay for these items, since everything will be gathered together for them.  Everything is non-lethal, safe, has warranties, and an instructional DVD is included.
There are many great items in this survival kit.  The Diversion Book Safe will blend in with many of our young students text and reference books and they will have a safe place to hide their valuables.  The Door Stop Alarm can easily be activated and installed in front of the door of a dorm or apartment alerting our kids of unwelcomed intruders.  The Nap Alarm, which is hooked on the ear and alerts a driver if they should nod off while behind the wheel, could be beneficial for those driving home from the late night library study sessions.  And a variety of Pepper Sprays that can be place in various places; such as, car, key chain, and home.  That way there is never one far away when needed.  And many more.
Your safety is important to us

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