Women are now the greatest number of the population who travel in united states and abroad. About twenty eight million travel by themselves. There are a lot of safe place to go but there are also dangerous places. Many women are assaulted while staying in a hotel or just walking down the street. There are many things that can happen if you are not educated and prepared when you go out and away from home. A women in Lexington KY had just been dropped off by her friends when two guys kidnaped, raped her over several days , and stole her sense of safety and security.
What can we do against such evil predators. One thing is for a women not to walk alone (especially at night) and have something to contact a person for help if they are in danger. When you are at a hotel always make sure the door is locked. If someone you don’t know comes to the door, call the front office to make sure they are supposed to be there. If you still don’t feel comfortable letting them in, just don’t do it. Nothing should compel you to do something you don’t feel alright with. A friend of mine at a safety seminar said if a guy in a Santa suit approaches you, pepper spray him and donate latter. That really gave me a laugh, but you know what, that’s absolutely the truth.
There are several things you can have with you to further protect yourself. We have put together a ultimate women’s safety kit to help turn the odds in her favor. Pepper spray, electronic whistle, and several other things to give her that extra piece of mind. Face it, the ladies in our life are awesome and irreplaceable. You ladies have fun traveling and as always keep safe.